Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Topic Proposal Blog Post

What makes mind control work, is it the influence of a mind altering

drug, a repetitious teaching, a strict abusive punishment, or a few of

these combined?  Atwood's text confuses me, as it jumps back and

forth from remembering the past and trying to forget it. Then fitting

into the present, yet looking forward to a better future as the past

they remember use to be before the war began.  Before this crazy

mandated mind control society took over.

       I plan to research different types of mind control to see how 

they are administered and the effects of them.  Referencing the long

term and short term effects and duration of them.  To see if people

can really be made to forget their past lives or just suppress it be-

cause it is forbidden.

      I chose this mind control topic to help me better understand 

Atwood's writings about a world controlled by this.  How the people

are like pawns in a world they have their jobs and duties and yet do

not have freedom of choice anymore.  Yet down deep inside most of

them the past ways are not forgotten just suppressed for a time.

These suppressed memories rear up from time to time and are un-

acceptable.  This is why that personally I believe mind control really

down deep inside does not work at all on people.